
Monday, July 8, 2024

Dangerous heat waves during the Apricot Rains

Hot, hot, too hot, and too humid!
I don't feel like having a walk under this kind of weather, which saps my energy 
and makes me feel quite spent.

I found several unpublished photos taken during my trip to Kamikochi and Hida-Takayama 
on rainy days in 2011. 
Kamikochi is the plateau at the altitude of 1500 meters surrounded by so-called North Japan Alps, 
Hida Mountain Ranges.
People can enter from mid-April to mid-November; the rest of year, Kamikochi is in winter sleep.

I hope you can feel a little cooler while reading about the recent scorching heat.
 Kamikochi Walk (a post in 2011)

While unseasonal heat started as early as May this year, it was relatively cool
during the continuous wet weather of late June.
Then it has gotten scorching, boiling hot on the arrival of July despite Apricot Rains.
Intense heat of 35 degrees C or higher with high humidity, nearly 40C in some places, 
is life-threatening.
“Heat-stroke special alert” is to be issued based on WBGTwhich takes several variables 
into account; temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle, cloud cover and so on. 

Hida-Takayama City seen from our hotel

As I look at the photos of the old township of Hida-Takayama,
I'm reminded how the streets were vacant at around 9 a.m. back then
different from the recent bustling of tourists.

凸凹堂 (above) is a shop for hand-made accessories of natural stones, especially featuring 
blue colors of the deep sea.

Teashops; above and below.

Weather seems to have been becoming extreme year by year.
When it rains, it's torrential; when the sun shines, it’s dangerously hot.
During the Apricot Rains of late June, it often rained cats and dogs.

One day I went to the nearby park when the morning downpouring was eased.

The blades of grass glow with crystal-like raindrops.

Do you find peace in the rain?

Back home, Ajisai (Hydrangea) was showing off its radiance under the leaden skies.

This spider was the last-minute entrant before I came into the house.

The current heat wave will be stopped as the Apricot Rains is returning soon.
I look forward to walking in the rain.
I pray for no disastorous heat waves and devastaing rainfall.

Linked to Mosaic Monday


  1. Hello,
    The extreme weather seems to be world wide. Your photos and the views of the mountains are beautiful. People here head to the mountains where it feel cooler. Lovely captures of the flowers and raindrops. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

  2. ...I love the architecture. Take care and stay well and cool.

  3. Beautiful scenes and flowers. Even your bugs seem pretty for the moment. Linda in Kansas

  4. I empathize with you coping in hot weather, stardust. Where I am, we are experiencing it, too, currently. The house warms in the sun and by late afternoon it radiates with warmth, as though it were a heater. Your raindrop images are lovely, as is the thought of rainfall … but in moderation only, nothing extreme. :)

  5. I love the rain. I was born and spent my childhood in a cool wet country.... England. So I really do not like the hot weather. But of course there are high temperatures there too now, climate change is here. I hope you are a little cooler now. I love the photos of Hida-Takayama, what beautiful streets and impressive mountains. I really want to visit Japan one day. (But not on a HOT day!)

  6. Beautiful photos! These days are also very hot here.

  7. Beautiful pictures of Hida-Takayama Yoko ! It's a lovely old town.
    Rain is needed as the Sun...But sometimes weather lose control...
    Climate change is a fact but quite nothing is done to minimize his progress...
    Have a nice day !

  8. Hot air is terrible! I hope it ends soon. Great photos. It should be hot here again, not nice at all. We are not used to hot weather.

  9. 以前に撮影した写真を見返すと、新しい発見があって新鮮に感じることがありますね。

  10. I am not comfortable in very hot weather either Yoko. Here we have had a cooler summer than usual, but it suits me fine. However the rain has made everything grow and grow and the garden has been difficult to control.
    The weather changes around the world are very frightening and yet more planes than ever seemingly continue to take to the sky.

  11. Hida is stunning town with magnificent sights dear Yoko
    your leaves clicks are awesome :)))

  12. our weather stays above forty throughout the summers here dear Yoko .i hope your temps reduce and come to norms as in your part of the land asap!
    i loved wandering with you in high mountain town ,the view from your hotel is divine

  13. Yes, I agree with you, dear Yoko. I have big problems with the heat. The wheather now is to hot, to stormy and so on... Thanks for the nice comment. I'll reply sooner this week.

    I am very happy about the contribution to MosaicMonday again, thank you for that.

    Very kind regards from Heidrun

  14. I do not like very hot/humid weather.
    Here in the UK we've had a mix of rain and sun.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs/mosaics.
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  15. Hello, beautiful post! Wonderful photos. I really like warm summer rain, I am happy when it rains - your rainy photos are beautiful. And I agree with you that the weather is extreme, sometimes devastating. I like it when it's warm, but the heat is very annoying. I wish you, dear Yoko, good weather and many walks. Your country is beautiful, thank you for bringing it closer to me. Cheers, have a good weekend

  16. Buenos y frescos recuerdos de Hida-Takayama Yoko. Y gusta ver estas fotos refrescantes. Por aquí también lo hace pero es verano. Preciosas las hojas brillando. Si encuentro paz y calma viendo llover amiga.
    Buen fin de semana y julio.
    Un abrazo.

  17. Just reading about the heat and humidity makes me wilt! I much prefer rain, though not necessarily torrential rain (I guess I can't be too choosy...). Your grasses bejeweled by rain are wonderful, and I love the spider "portrait". At my house above 10,000' in elevation, it remains cool. We hope for rain to fall several times a week to keep the forests and meadows moist. Wildfire poses a constant threat in Colorado if our landscape gets too dry. There is haze this morning from wildfire smoke - some say it's coming from Canada. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Yoko - even if you must walk in the rain.

  18. Yes its true Yoko san. We have the same here in Poland. 32 C. Too hot. Im really exhausted. Im waiting for cold autumn days. Pictures are amazing. I feel better when I see Japan on photos. Arigato gozaimashita.

  19. Tienes hermosas fotos que enamoran. Mis preferidas las flores. Te mando un beso.


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