
Friday, December 12, 2014

Kobe Harborland illuminations and reflections

Kobe Harborland brightens up the long, bleak winter night of Kobe
with illuminations and shadow pictures till March 31st, 2015.

Twilight is my favorite time all the year round when it is not too dark and the world is enveloped in the mellow air tinted with purplish hue.

This is a red brick building on the Harbor-walk in one corner of the Harborland. It was built in 1898 and had been used as a warehouse to store cargoes from around the world. When the Great Hanshin Earthquake struck Kobe and northern Awaji Island in 1995, the port facilities were paralyzed mainly by liquefaction but this brick building survived. Now it is renovated into Italian restaurant, Old Spaghetti Factory, and other fancy stores.

At night the brick buildings are illuminated and shadow pictures are displayed on the boardwalk.

The symbol of City of Kobe on the Rokko Mountains

Yatagarasu (mythical raven who aided Emperor Jimmu on his eastern expedition)...

The old Kobe Harbor Signal Tower is at the edge of the Harbor-Walk. The 46.3-meter-high tower had guided ships to and from the harbor from 1921 to March, 1990, as the top signal tower in  Asia.  Two years later, it was moved to the current location from the No. 4 pier. It flies flags representing Kobe and praying for a safe voyage.

Let's cross the traffic road to the more brilliant opposite side where Mosaic is located.

The opposite side of Mosaic over the bay is the Meriken Park.  It is home to the Meriken pier, some of the city's iconic contemporary architectures including red Kobe Port Tower, Kobe Maritime Museum, and Oriental Hotel.  

Meriken Port Oriental Hotel
Meriken Park seen from Takahama Pier

Takahama Pier seen from Meriken Pier
A giant Ferris Wheel is one of the landmarks of the Kobe harbor along with the other impressive architectures.

It welcomes and sees you off when you are at the nearby station.
I turned back before entering the station building.

This post is linked to Friday My Town Shoot Out


  1. Dear Yoko - I really admire your night time photos, they are not easy to capture successfully - yours are wonderful. From the twinkling lights on the first image to the reflective lights in the water, all were a joy to see.

  2. I can't get enough of your excellent photography. It brings the warmth into the cold night.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Dear Yoko,
    what a marvellous stroll through the harbour area of Kobe City in the late afternoon and evening light and what a great collection of wonderful available light photographs! You really improved the quality of your photos step by step since the moment I've come across your enchanting blog the very first time. Have you ever given the idea to make a photo exhibition a serious consideration? You've such great collection of premium photographs published in your blog just for such a small audience - I'm sure that many more people would appreciate to see your artwork!
    All the best for you and your family; I'm looking forward to spending this 3rd Advent weekend together with my wife and preparing several Christmas gifts for friends and family members.

  4. Well, that city after the misfortunes that happened to them again is beautiful. Your photos are stunning at dusk. I greet you.

  5. Hello,
    thankyou for showing us the beauties of this walk around. It is a great pleasure to see all this glamourous streets and buildings and learn to know them.

    with best regards

  6. From your previous pictures, I got the impression that Kobe was a gorgeous city and now you've strengthened that impression mightily! The first photo reminds me a bit of New York City! And you're right, twilight is the best time to take photos. I remember what one photographer said, is that "real" photographers get up early, shoot for a little while, then go home and take a nap until evening when they go back out to take photos!

    There is so much to see in Kobe and so many interesting buildings. The fact that is a port city makes it even more special!

    Thanks, Yoko!

  7. the shadow pictures are neat and the lights are lovely. i really like the 2nd shot of the harbor and birds.

  8. Hello Yoko,
    This city looks exciting and beautiful. Your photos are stunning.....I love them all....thank you!

    Happy weekend!

  9. So beatiful pics of your city. I enjoy this little trip. Thanks a lot.

  10. Yoko, You have great compositions of the Kobe Harbor at night. I love the dusky light in the first photo. I haven't tried many night shots with my new camera, but we will be in Denver over Christmas, so I'll get a chance to experiment. Those shadow pictures are so unusual - I've never seen anything like them.

  11. Really a wonderful place ! These are beautiful decorations light !

  12. Subdued twilight is my favorite time perhaps because that is when life teeters between waking and sleeping. Interesting to see the Ferris Wheel along the waterfront. The mayor where I live has suggested something similar but has not gotten a very good response from the public. I think if they saw how pretty the one in Japan looks people might well reconsider.

    Oddly enough, we also have an Old Spaghetti Factory in Gas Town, which is a historic part of Vancouver. The franchise strives to occupy heritage buildings and is almost always a success.

  13. Fantastic serie indeed ! Thanks for the night&day tour of the city ; I enjoyed it a lot. I specialy like the glass door in stained glass : it look so impressive... And the light projections on the wooden deck are awesome !

  14. How wonderful to see the city all lite up so beautifully. Great reflection shots. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Wonderful photos, and as you know, my subject entirely! I love the studies and the more open views! Something tells me I would like your city and your part of the world. It looks very beautiful, and through your eyes, I think it really is!

  16. こんばんは。 素晴らしい年末の美しさですね。私は、垂水とか四条畷とかは散策した事が有りますが、神戸は素通りして行った事が有りません。有馬温泉と北野ホテルにも一度行きたいです。

    1. Good point!  八咫烏の三本足/二本足については簡単ですがWikipediaに記載されています。この烏が八咫烏だという説明を見たことはありませんが、ボードウォークの影絵は神戸にちなんだもののはずで、なぜカラスかと考えると八咫烏に至ったのです。神戸はサッカーの日本発祥の地であり、WC日本チームのエンブレムが八咫烏であることから、影絵にされたのだと。

      「神戸はテニス、ゴルフ、そしてサッカーなどの日本発祥の地と言われ、神戸に居留する外国人が中心となって組織したKRAC(神戸・レガッタ・アンド・アスレチッククラブ)が1888年(明治21年)にYCAC(横浜・クリケット・アンド・アスレチッククラブ)とサッカーで対戦、 2-1で勝利した試合は日本最古のサッカー対抗試合として記録されている。 翌年、神戸の御影師範学校に日本人だけの初のサッカーチームが誕生。その後、卒業生達はサッカーの普及と指導にあたり、全国にサッカーを広めていった。大正時代から昭和初期にかけて、神戸は日本サッカー界の中心、覇者であった。」

      私の実家神戸市御影町に弓弦羽(ゆづるは)神社がありますが、昨年より参拝者が圧倒的に増えています。わかります? 弓、弦、羽・・・羽生弓弦さんとの連想からのようです。そういえば、GPファイナルでも華麗でしたね。その弓弦羽神社の屋根には神社のシンボル八咫烏がいます。八咫烏の彫られた御影石のサッカーボールもあります。

  17. Amazing shots. Kobe is like Yokohama but there are differences between them. Both cities have modern, traditional architecture and harbor.

    1. Thank you for the comment. I have seen the landscape of Yokohama on your blog and thought the scale is bigger in Yokohama. I’d like to visit your blog like I used to but I can’t access to your blog. I’ll wait for a while.

  18. Ni har det lika vackert hos dig som här nu i juletid med ljusklädda träd och annat som lyser Kobe verkar vara en fin plats.Både på dagen och kvällen Jag är så glad att få se hur ni har det och hur det ser ut hos er. Här firar vi tredje advent denna söndagen i december. Idag har det varit Lucia firande också.
    Önskar dig en skön söndag
    Kram Meta

  19. 私も最初、なぜ八咫烏が?と思いました。先月熊野本宮大社に参拝してきたばかりなので。でもサッカーのシンボルマークですもんね。レンガ造りの建物、横浜や小樽の赤レンガ倉庫を思い出させます。昼と夜の様変わりも見ものですね。都会はすっかりクリスマスモードですね。自宅周辺ではあまり歳末の気配は感じられないのですが、さすがああ都会だ!と楽しめました。

    1. 烏の影絵も、案内では「船や烏、神戸にちなんだ・・・」としか書いてなく、八咫烏と断定していないのであくまでも私の推理から。


  20. thank you for sharing the mellow light in lavenders and purples
    and your beautiful city dressed in holiday cheer
    the night shadow art is such a fun idea, thank you for sharing what they mean
    lovely December to you!

  21. 素敵! ここは行ったことあります。 神戸大好きです。この時期はとてもロマンチックですねえー! とても楽しいポストでした。 写真が素晴らしい!(いつも)。 

  22. How beautiful and festive it looks. I love the idea of the shadow pictures.Your pictures make me feel as if I am there. I'd like to visit Kobe one day.

  23. Wonderful photos!!! Lights give life to life! I love the reflection of the lights on the water. Thanks so much for sharing the beauty of your beautiful country. Thank you also for the sympathy of your comments on my blog, I always love them. I wish you and family a peaceful and Merry Christmas!
    Greetings from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  24. The shadow pictures are a wonderful idea. And the harbour with all the lights is a marvellous sight. I am wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season, and lots of blogging throughout 2015!

  25. 神戸の夜景は色とりどりでとても綺麗です。 最初に大掛かりなイルミネーションが始まったのも神戸だったような・・・。
    斬新な街ですね。 行くたびにどこかが新しくなっていて、飽きることのない街でもあります。


  26. Such pretty and festive photos!

  27. What a beautiful town, I have been to Tokio but not Kobe

  28. Greetings Yoko! Because comments are closed on your holiday post - which I enjoyed very much - I thought I'd send you a note here. I've not seen an Episcopal church with such architecture. I think it's wonderful that it fits in so well. And I love all the lights!

    The other day I bought a funny little book called "You Know You've Been In Japan Too Long..." It's by a cartoonist who I've known for awhile, Bill Mutranowski. He's been living in Japan for about 15 years and says Christians make up only 1% of the population in Japan. The subtitle is "A hilarious look at foreigners who arrived in Japan... and forgot to leave." Bill is a cartoonist and quite funny. For example, one cartoon shows a guy with briefcase running desperately to catch a commuter train and the caption reads "You know you've been in Japan too long when you frantically plow your way onto a packed commuter train, because you know there won't be another one for four and half minutes."

    Not too funny. You probably need to have been through the experience. :)

    Tsurumi Kelly came by the other day. We hadn't seen her for awhile as her sister from Japan had been visiting for about 5 weeks. They had a wonderful time. Tsurumi used to own a flower shop and creates beautiful bouquets and centerpieces. She brought us a lovely Christmas centerpiece.

    Wishing you all the best as this year winds down. It's not been easy for you nor for me. But I wish for you health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

  29. Since I can't say it there, I'll say it here, Yoko. I'm so glad I discovered your blog, thanks to Jenny in London. I hope I will be able to follow you more next year! Have a wonderful festive season whichever way you celebrate!

  30. ツ O post anterior está super lindo!

    ✿╯BOAS FESTAS!!!

  31. Happy New Year.
    Let the coming year be prosperous joyful for all of us.
    With my warm wishes.

  32. I love all the lights - a feast for the eyes in this time of darkness. Wishing you a healthy and happy 2015. I look forward to your photos in the new year,

  33. .... and a very happy new year to you and your family!!! n♥

  34. Wish you and your family the best for 2015!

    1. Thank you, Tomoko, and I wish the same for you and your family. Even though your cares and worries don’t get faded, hope is at its peak in the New Year. I hope you’ll manage to enjoy yourself while taking care of your mother-in-law.


Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I will visit your blog shortly. Have a nice day!