
Monday, December 1, 2014

A heaven for all the living things

I feel both vitality and tranquility of nature at the Daibutsu-ike Pond all the year round.  
My favorite time is the late afternoon of the last week of November
when reds and yellows aglow in the last blaze of the sun.

Almost bare tree on on shore, matured maple and ginkgo leaves on the other

Chinese Tallow with white seeds

Turtles basking in the sun.

Fiery red Japanese maple over the reflection of golden ginkgo 

Very young Chinese Tallow by the pond
Deer, turtles, ducks, birds, human beings, all enjoy the moment 
in the golden shades of red, orange, yellow, and blue.  
Every living thing including the inanimate shares the joy of living together under one sky.

Right after the burst of the flame of colors, the darkness started falling rapidly.

The passing autumn filled me with a feeling of thankfulness, tenderness, contentment, and joy,
though the colors will get muted soon with the  onslaught of winter just around the corner.

- This post is linked to Our World Tuesday. -


  1. This brightness of colours we hadn't have in Sweden this year. It is different from one year to the other. Very seldom in this way, as you have shown to us. What an impression!

    Best regards

  2. Hi much glowing colour and beauty....amazing reflections....I love the deer and ducks! Your park is an wonderful playground for everyone. In autumn and early winter,late afternoon is my favourite time of day.

    Enjoy your week,

  3. So nice to see your beautiful pictures again. You have a wonderful, artistic eye!

  4. Dear Yoko,
    it's always a pleasure to look at your marvellous photographs of Japanese gardens and parks with their own special charme. Obviously November is still a month within the autumn season with colourful foliage in the tree branches. And although we had a very mild November with no freezing temperatures, all the leaves have already fallen down within the last weeks.
    The interaction of your golden and red foliage with the water surface of the pond is really a great artwork done by nature, but captures by yourself! Have you ever thought of making a calender with all your great photographs of the Nara parks and temples throughout the different seasons?
    I would like to take (at least) one!!! ;-)
    All the best from Germany, yesterday I was the first time on the Christmas market of Rothenburg, but unfortunately the weather there was chilly and unpleasantly.

  5. There is a wonderful light that falls in all these pictures. It baths each scene with a heavenly glow. The park is a gem that luckily seems far removed from city life. I was intrigued recently by a news story about increasingly taller skyscrapers casting long shadows onto beautiful Central Park in NY dimming its natural glow. It seems nowadays not only must we preserve parks but also the areas around them.

  6. Such loveliness and beauty .
    Your pictures are beautiful and artfully covey the peacefulness
    and joy of the nature here.

  7. my goodness, just incredible beauty! i felt like i was viewing calendar pages. so gorgeous.

  8. The colors here are a firmament filled with a riot of color above the earth. The pond is a wonderful retreat for all of nature, I think, and everything and every animal share in its treasures.

    Again, your photos are magnificent!

  9. Dear Yoko - I am rendered speechless by your wonderful photos - the colours, the refections, the compositions, each one is an absolute delight to see.

  10. Ohh vilken vacker natur och att vara där vid rätt tillfälle.Jag njuter av dom du visar. ni har så många finaträd som vi bara kan drömma om, det är så fint att få se dom genom dig.
    Vi har haft ganska så fint väder med lite sol och lite moln om vart annat. Det till och med blommar ringblommor i kolonin nu det är inte vanligt kan jag säga. Oftast har vi snö nu vid den här tiden i december. Vi firar advent och väntar på julen. Det är en fin ljushögtid hos oss när vi tänder ett nytt ljus varje söndag och har till slut 4 ljus då är det jul.
    Önskar dig en fin december
    Kram Meta

  11. Amazing, beautiful pictures !!! Love the chinese tallow....
    Have a lovely week !

  12. I, too, am happy watching these wonderful autumn pictures. Regards.

  13. Such beautiful sights of nature around you. I really enjoyed seeing them all. :)

  14. What a magical world you have captured!

  15. Incredible! Is it the way Nara looks at the end of November? Stirring beauty...
    And we are caught in snowstorm. It started right on 1 December, proclaiming: Winter has come!
    Let it be restful for you, dear Yoko.
    With best wishes from Russia,

  16. Some more of your lovely photographs, thank you for posting them. Such vibrant colours, and I love the deer wading in the water. I didn't know they would like getting their feet wet!

  17. Greetings, Yoko. I came back to scroll through your photos once again and once again they lifted my spirits and warmed me all over.

    Thank you so much for your comments. Re the bathroom sign: Yes, it is a vulgar slang term. And no, there are no bathrooms in the store for customers. There are public bathrooms on the Dock, however, a short walk away. :)

  18. Hi Yoko, interesting comment.... now, when I look at the bird it could easily be a decoy gull,however it is very real!

    Enjoy your day,

  19. How beautiful dear Yoko, how marvelously breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for taking such wonder- and masterful photos, so some of your joy and pleasure rubs up onto us as a present.
    And who is this sweet little one in the red jacket? :-)

  20. You're lifting my spirits today with these vivid reminders of fall, Yoko. Bob and I have been sick with the flu, so there hasn't been much opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Oh, those fiery Japanese Maples! I also love the glowing Ginkgo. I'm trying to decide which grandchild that is! All mine are gone now - the house seems quiet.

  21. 写真の技術、本当に素晴らしいですね。 どれもすてきなので、 このポストから1番を選ぶのは大変難しいですが、3番目がかなり気に入ってます。 亀さんはいつもそのあたりいるのでしょうか? 目ざといですね。楽しい! お孫さん?なんて、可愛いのかしら! 

  22. Glorious photographs that illustrate both the peacefulness and the vitality that you write about.

  23. ほんとに詩情豊かな、優しさにあふれる一コマ一コマですね。悠人君も秋の一日を楽しんだんですね。幸せそうな光景が目に浮かびます。

    1. p.s  例のイチョウの写真、同じように撮ってるはずなのに私のとずいぶん違うなあと感じます。イチョウが鮮明ですね。色がとてもきれい。

  24. 池に映った赤や黄色のリフレクション、とても鮮やかですね。その中の動物たちも生き生きと楽しそうです。お孫ちゃんかわいい。コスモスさんのコメントで、気付きました。水滴もはっきりしてますね。
    Have a nice day!

  25. 沢山の秋の写真楽しませて頂きました!奈良に住む人達も動物達も思い存分この時期を楽しんでいますね。先日東京に日帰りした時、京都駅で時間をとって南禅寺の紅葉を楽しんできました。あまり時間なかったので近くの高台寺にタクシーで行く予定だったのですが、運転手さんのお勧めで南山時に連れていってもらいました。真っ赤な紅葉のピークでした。
    We are lucky,living here, because we are so close to some of the most beautiful fall foliage in Japan.I believe you agree with me. 先日は楽しかった。でも携帯電話出れなくてごめんなさいね。朝のレクチャーでマナーモードにしたまま。池についてから妹からの朝のメールを発見してあわてて帰宅してしまいました。See you soon!

  26. どのお写真も素晴らしい! 
    日本の秋の日を 湖面に映る色と揺れる波で これほどまで美しく情緒豊かに表現されている事に感嘆します。
    まだ、水はそれほど冷たくはないのかしら? 何の為に? 池に入る鹿に興味津々です。
    お孫さんと楽しむ 素晴らしい秋の1日。 まさに pricelessな時間ですね。

    1. 奈良公園の川や池で鹿が水を飲む、毛づくろいをする、遊ぶなどの様子を見てきました。池の奥の深い方へは行きません。夏ならともかく秋だったので不思議に思われたことでしょう。気温20度の暖かな11月でした。

  27. 水面の煌きが素晴しいです。 この一瞬、の撮影ですね。 いい時間、いいいお天気、で何よりでした。  
    自然は季節の移り変わりと共に、様々な表情を見せてくれます。 四季が、日本の美しさを一層引き立たせてくれていると感じます。


  28. The deer are very cute! Beautiful fall colors and reflections.

  29. The colours are just breath-taking. The reflections make the pond almost look as if it is on fire. What a beautiful place to walk!

  30. I've been absent for a while and when I go back on the blogging universe, I'm welcomed by these images! So stunning! The juxtaposition of the yellow and red just makes both colors so alive. And you captured all of it really beautifully :)

  31. These images are truly beautiful, Yoko. I love the way you suggest that all life has equal right to enjoy this beauty. Your photos are exquisite and exude tranquillity. I imagine this reflects your nature too. It's a privilege to come here!

  32. こんばんは。イチョウとモミジのコントラストが素敵です。reflection も素晴らしいです。鹿が元気ですね。以前、冬に奈良に行った時は鹿の元気の無い姿に心配した事を思い出しました。

  33. oh my goodness Stardust! Your photos are so very beautiful.
    They touch my heart and make my eyes shine. Thank you for sharing!

  34. Oh, wow! What absolutely amazing pictures. I wish I had seen them like this, although what I did see was beautiful in a different way!

  35. Αγαπημένη μου Yoko
    Αυτός είναι παράδεισος!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Τι υπέροχες φωτογραφίες, χρωματικές εκρήξεις, τρυφερές φωτογραφίες και πάνω απ΄όλα το πανέμορφο και γλυκό εγγονάκι σου!!!!!
    Σου στέλνω πολλά φιλιά

  36. Stunning photos.
    I LOVE the deer! Wonderful)) x

  37. Thank You Sooo Much dear friend for sharing this magical beauty of your remarkable city and enchanting pond!!!


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