
Monday, June 10, 2019

Therapeutic time at the mountain stream of Oku-Daisen

This post is about a part of my recent trip to Tottori Prefecture.
I set out with my husband at the end of May 
when most of Japan experienced summer-like high temperatures.
One of the destinations was Kitanizawa mountain stream
which flows from the beech forests of the south slope of Mt. Daisen.

The area is popular for the clean, delicious mineral water.
With the ideal that beautiful forests nurture delicious natural water,
SUNTORY has taken care of the beech forests.
Here is how;

It is known that there are negative ions in the air 
when people feel amazingly relaxed near a waterfall.
At the places where water splashes, water droplets collide with each other
or with a wet solid to generate negatively charged electricity, a group of negative ions.

Water and leaves sparkle in the sunlight.

The sounds of waterfall and stream, the voices of chirping birds,
the view of the crisp green and clear stream that flows through moss-covered rocks,
 are sure to wash away daily stresses and strains.
It's so therapeutic.

Mt. Daisen, the highest peak (1729 meters) in the Chugoku region, is a beautiful mountain
 with the virgin forests of beech trees and Mongolian oak trees (Quercus mongolia).
 It is compared to Mt. Fuji in the east aka Hoki Fuji
for its imposing symmetrical form and beauties all the year round.

Linked to Mosaic Monday
Our World Tuesday


  1. You must have felt so refreshed after going to spend time in the forest and near the waterfalls. I always find it so restoring. Even just being on a dirt trail near a lot of greenery is so refreshing and cool. As always your photos are very beautiful. Thank you sharing your outing with us.

  2. I'm not sure that I understand about negative ions, but your photographs of this serene place are making me feel relaxed!

  3. Very beautiful pictures and a great nature.

  4. What a wonderful restful place to visit and so nice that you had a chance to get away for a holiday! I had no idea Japan had such a large forest area and I have to say it’s very heartening to hear in the video how some people are doing their best to create a healthy environment. It’s an attitude we need in all corners of our world.

  5. Hello, love the beautiful forest scenes and the waterfalls. The wildflowers are lovely too. Beautiful images! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

  6. What a gorgeous place ! The palette of green in the forest is beautiful and so bright !!!!
    Thanks for sharing those nature's beauties.

  7. The colour green symbolises life, renewal, nature, energy, growth, and harmony. What a beautiful place to visit Yoko accompanied by the relaxing sounds of water, the stillness in the air, and such an intense green everywhere. You and your husband must both have returned back home feeling totally relaxed and refreshed.
    Thank you for your very kind comment on my post.

  8. Having water to see and hear makes such a difference! I enjoyed a hike today but not water feature on this one. You took beautiful photos to share! thanks!

  9. Your exuberant photos make me feel to cool down in this beautiful place! Yes true, water is always relaxing - I have to check about negative ions, so interesting...
    I am glad you had such a good time Yoko-san. :-)

  10. Yoko - we went on a hike today that followed a stream most of the time, and its sound and cool air was refreshing in comparison to the bright sunshine. Your pictures capture perfectly the serenity and beauty of the place, and I am glad that such efforts are being made to preserve this slice of heaven. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  11. Beautiful photos and mosaic
    Happy Monday


  12. Oh dear Yoko how ca i find words to praise the natural beauty of your area !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how lovely to take trip with your dear husband of such mesmerizing place!

    thank you so much for the video specially ,i thoroughly enjoyed the absorbing views of natural ground stream !

    back in my native village when i was little there were some springs and people from farther areas would come to spend time with such ponds though after my marriage i never heard of any as if they still exist or not but i still remember the sweet taste of their water

  13. The beauty of Japan is endlessly breathtaking. Running water and natural forests and the amazingly beautiful gardens are the symbol of Japan in the West. Recently I saw a series of documentaries about Japanese gardens on TV. I was awestruck and very envious of the gorgeous scenes. If I had a big enough area to garden I’d make a Japanese garden too.

  14. La naturaleza siempre sabe sorprendernos Yoko. Las fotos son fantásticas. Me encanta ver correr el agua en libertad. Gracias amiga por tan precioso post.
    Un abrazo.

  15. Those moss covered stones are so beautiful! I am certain it was great to experience the tranquility of this natural place, the stream flowing lively. So beautiful.

  16. Amazing place.
    Wonderful photos, my favorite is the 1st one, it is absolutely spectacular.
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  17. Wow! Definitely therapeutic! I love all your wonderful images !

    My Corner of the World

  18. こんばんわー。

  19. Simply looking at your beautiful photographs is therapeutic! The moss on the stones reminds me of velvet pillows and I can almost feel the cool water spraying on my face. Being close to water is very calming, whether it is the ocean or a river or a waterfall. I walk nearly every evening around a small pond in my neighbourhood. I enjoy the trees, the birds and the sounds of the water.

  20. Dear Yoko,
    I can’t help wondering, how diverse nature is in Japan, and how masterfully you make it alive for us. Thank you very much for this therapeutic walk, I enjoyed it.
    Have a nice week ahead,

  21. There are several ways to escape the heat. This here shows us, Yoko, should be part, undoubtedly, of a top ten list.

  22. These photos are simply wonderful - thank you for bringing them to us. That green - so serene and peaceful.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I’m always happy to read your comment. Have healthy and happy days ahead.


  23. Your photos are a blessing, Yoko. I feel relaxed and happy just looking at them! I'd love to see those moss-covered rocks amid the flowing ion-charged waters. I love the last photo of the poppies and the mountain. The poppies in my gardens are full of buds.

  24. my second visit but thank you for this nurturing sharing dear Yoko!


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