
Monday, July 8, 2024

Dangerous heat waves during the Apricot Rains

Hot, hot, too hot, and too humid!
I don't feel like having a walk under this kind of weather, which saps my energy 
and makes me feel quite spent.

I found several unpublished photos taken during my trip to Kamikochi and Hida-Takayama 
on rainy days in 2011. 
Kamikochi is the plateau at the altitude of 1500 meters surrounded by so-called North Japan Alps, 
Hida Mountain Ranges.
People can enter from mid-April to mid-November; the rest of year, Kamikochi is in winter sleep.

I hope you can feel a little cooler while reading about the recent scorching heat.
 Kamikochi Walk (a post in 2011)

While unseasonal heat started as early as May this year, it was relatively cool
during the continuous wet weather of late June.
Then it has gotten scorching, boiling hot on the arrival of July despite Apricot Rains.
Intense heat of 35 degrees C or higher with high humidity, nearly 40C in some places, 
is life-threatening.
“Heat-stroke special alert” is to be issued based on WBGTwhich takes several variables 
into account; temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle, cloud cover and so on. 

Hida-Takayama City seen from our hotel

As I look at the photos of the old township of Hida-Takayama,
I'm reminded how the streets were vacant at around 9 a.m. back then
different from the recent bustling of tourists.

凸凹堂 (above) is a shop for hand-made accessories of natural stones, especially featuring 
blue colors of the deep sea.

Teashops; above and below.

Weather seems to have been becoming extreme year by year.
When it rains, it's torrential; when the sun shines, it’s dangerously hot.
During the Apricot Rains of late June, it often rained cats and dogs.

One day I went to the nearby park when the morning downpouring was eased.

The blades of grass glow with crystal-like raindrops.

Do you find peace in the rain?

Back home, Ajisai (Hydrangea) was showing off its radiance under the leaden skies.

This spider was the last-minute entrant before I came into the house.

The current heat wave will be stopped as the Apricot Rains is returning soon.
I look forward to walking in the rain.
I pray for no disastorous heat waves and devastaing rainfall.

Linked to Mosaic Monday

Saturday, June 22, 2024

紫陽花 Ajisai and 梅雨 Apricot Rains

How has the weather been recently?
It has been like this here in Kansai region; when it rains, it pours 
and when it's sunny, it's very hot for June.
The rainy season set in yesterday at last when we are usually right in the middle of it.
In the southern Okinawa and Amami Oshima, its end was declared the other day.

Our rainy season is called 梅雨, Apricot Rains, because it falls on the time
when 梅 Japanese apricots ripen.
As its poetic name suggests, there are many nice things during this season.

Ajisai, or Hydrangea, is the most popular flower of the season.
They don't come and go all at once like Sakura but last long almost all through
the Apricot Rains.

When Ajisai start blooming, they show shades of cream to green.
As they age, their colors deepen.

I like blue Ajisai above all.

When I walked along my favorite Ajisai lane , which partly runs parallel 
to Chokyu-ji Temple, I focused on blue flowers to photograph.

June 8th

The path, which connects the Tomio River and the Mayumi residential area,
 is nicely narrow and curving.

A couple of days later than that, I visited 般若寺 Hannya-ji Temple for Ajisai.
I prayed for no risk of torrential downpours.

June 11th

Hannya-ji is more famous for its cosmos flowers in autumn as is called "Cosmos Temple".
Summer cosmoses were mostlly over.

I have stopped by in June every year since I saw Ajisai Bowls for the first time 
three years ago.
One of the monks came up with the idea of Ajisai Bowl to make use of Ajisai flowers
 that are still beautiful after their prime time.

The round Ajisai flowers look beautiful from any angle in spherical glass container.
The temple has changed the way of displaying Ajisai Bowls every year.

The same Ajisai Bowl seen from the different angle.

I liked it when the bowls were placed among the greenery to reflect the surrounding colors.
They looked like planets as is reported here, Ajisai walk, joy of rainy season (2022)

There are many nice places to stroll through Ajisai in and around Nara City 
including temples, parks, streets, etc.
矢田寺 Yata-dera and 岩船寺 Gansen-ji Temples are famous as “Ajisai Temple”.

Linked to Mosaic Monday

Monday, June 3, 2024

A trip to Kurashiki and Okayama Cities

Okayama Prefecture is called "Land of Sunshine" for its mild climate and sunny skies
typical of the Seto Inland Sea region.
I had an overnight trip to Kurashiki and Okayama cities in the south-west part 
of the prefecture with my son and his daughter.
Unfortunately my husband stayed home because of a cold he had.

In Kurashiki City, we spent most of the time in Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter,
the old merchants quarter,
where the city's former canal system and about 400-year-old buildings have been preserved.
The canal area dates back to the Edo Period (1603-1867), when the city served
as an important rice distribution center to Edo and Osaka.
Weeping willows and original storehouses line the canal and the stone bridges 
cross over the canal water.
There are sightseeing riverboats in operation.

There are narrow lanes from the main roads along the river.
The distinctive feature of the architecture is white walls and black tiles.

One block away from the canal, Storehouse Shopping Street runs parallel to the canal.
The historic townhousese are repurposed as cafes and restaurants, boutiques, 
souvenir shops as well as specialty shops including canvas (Kurashiki Canvas),
jeans, sake, and others.
Kurashiki is the birthplace of domestically produced jeans.

After a round trip of the quarter, we returned to the starting place.

The Seto Inland Sea is dotted with many small islands.
Right after the sunset, the sea turned into mellow oranges.

In Okayama City, we walked through Korakuen Garden to Okayama Castle.
Okayama Castle is called "Ujo 烏城 Crow Castle" for its black exterior.
It is in stark contrast to the white Himeji Castle, or "Shirasagi-jo 白鷺城 Egret Castle."
The original castle was built in 1597 during the Warring States period and was destroyed 
by fire almost completely during the WWII.
Reconstruction was made in 1966 and then major renovation was completed in 2022.
That's why the castle stands shiny.

The appealing points of the southern Okayama is historical towns and
the beautiful seascape of the Seto Inland Sea.
Okayama is also known as "Kingdom of Fruits".
White peaches, muscats, piones are special products grown there.
While I prefer raw fruits, fruit parfait served with ice cream, sauce, and others
 tastes exquisite.
I also like to see the ingredients artistically arranged in layers.

Center; the view of Koraku-en Garden and Okayama City beyond the castle moat,
Seto Ohashi Bridge, and the seascape 

Linked to Mosaic Monday