
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Paths through fresh verdure in the fragrant breeze

When Sakura season is over, I'm realized trees already have a plenty of leaves.
It is the season of 新緑 Shinryoku, fresh verdure.
I especially like it when water is shimmering green.
About three weeks ago the water color here was pink.

花疲れ/Hana-zukare (noun, seasonal word for haiku) is “tiredness after cherry blossoms viewing” 
as well as “spring sadness”. 
When you submerged yourself in the beauty of Sakura to your heart’s content, 
you could suddenly feel tired and have a sense of loss.
It would be Sakura's nature to make you realize ephemerality of the beauty of the flowers
and cause the sense of loneliness amidst the splendor of flowers under the blue skies.
Then fresh greenery softly fills the void and refreshes your soul, mind, and body.
You can walk freely choosing your paths to weave the story of your day in the spacious Nara Park.  

At Kasugano-enchi, Mt. Wakakusa and the big roof of Nara Kasugano International Forum IRAKA  are seen.

  Garden of Iraka 

Looks like a nice "bento" lunch, full of fresh veggies.

The left side of the steps is Chayama-enchi, where Nara-no-kokonoe-zakura is abundant
 as was mentioned in the previous post.

Near the north entrance gate to the Mt. Wakakusa

The smells of new green leaves and of the flowers in season seem to be wafting in breeze.
Japanese Andromeda

The tiny baby leaves of Ginkgo were so cute on April 14th. 
About two weeks later, leaves were bursting out on branches.

A big lacy green parasol
Opposite side of Kasugano-enchi

Another day of late April, wisteria flowers were cascading at the Manyo Botanical Garden 
in the precinct of Kasuga Shrine.
They seem to have bursted out before clusters grow long enough.

The garden of Yoshiki-en on the way back to Nara Station.
(Autumn in Yoshiki-en, here.)

Green maples

A pond near the station

After looking at a lot of greenery, how about the young leaves bokeh in monochrome?

May is one of the most eventful months in my family; Golden Week (Greenery Day, 
Children's Day, etc.), my wedding anniversary, and my grandson Y's birthday.
He turned 11 on the first of May.
He likes soccer, swimming, painting and reading above all.
What paths will he choose on his journey?

Linked to Mosaic Monday


  1. Good morning, Yoko! Another beautiful post. The flowers, beautiful and pink, faded, and juicy, soothing green appeared. I love ginkgo biloba, there are three of them in my city! These are beautiful and majestic trees with wonderful leaves.
    I wish you a wonderful May and all the best to your grandson on his birthday!

  2. Happy belated birthday to your grandson. What a lovely park and walk.
    I am happy to see the trees all green again, winter the trees are all brown and dull.
    Seeing the green trees makes me happy. The wisteria is lovely, beautiful blooms.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. I enjoyed walking through the lovely gardens. Happy birthday to your grandson and Happy Anniversary to you.

  4. Beautiful shades of green....And pictures Yoko !
    A delight for my eyes...brings peace in my heart...
    Have a lovely week.

  5. ...Yoko, thanks for taking along on this beautiful journey. Happy Anniversary to you and Happy birthday to your grandson.

  6. Dear Yoko - I also feel a sense of loss once the blossom is over, but fortunately there is always plenty of beauty yet to arrive. The world here is also feeling very green, and how I love your photo of one of my favourite trees - the Ginko with its pretty fan shaped leaves. Hope you enjoy your wedding anniversary and belated birthday greetings to grandson Y.

  7. Green is my favourite colour and the garden is amazing. Happy birthday to your grandson!

  8. Seeing the foliage mirrored in the water is particularly magical when seen through your eyes, stardust. I've just realized that we have been bloggers together since before Y was born. How quickly these years have gone by … like leaves we are coming and going. I wish you a very Happy Anniversary and a Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  9. Everything looks so green and lovely, the way the world should be.

  10. Yoko - I can understand how one might experience a sense of loss after cherry blossom season! And as your photos prove, "new" beauty is all around, if only we open our eyes to see. I love the wisteria - breathtaking cascades, especially when reflected in the water! Joining you from Mosaic Monday this week.

  11. This is a lovely post. I enjoyed the green very much. I do understand the sadness you feel after cherry blossom season because I feel the same! Every year I take as many photos as I can but sometimes it's a challenge to get out at the right time. I also love to come and visit your blog to see all the lovely blossoms. This year, I missed your posts due to having issues with commenting. I can still comment it is just different for different blogs and sometimes I do not have the time to stop and do all the right steps. But I will return and catch up with your lovely posts. Take care. xx

  12. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband and Happy Birthday to your grandson. We share a birth month :-)

  13. I enjoyed strolling with you through the beautiful gardens.
    Happy birthday to your grandson and Happy Anniversary to you, Yoko!
    Glorious photos as always!

    Happy Wednesday!

  14. Another round of MosaicMonday in beautiful May... and I am very happy about your contribution. More pictures this week that show your surroundings, nature, something of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a bit of history, it`s very interesting. And I love the mood in this moments on the water. Calm! in the noisy world.

    Thank you for your participation. Have a good time, best wishes from Heidrun

  15. Precioso paseo Yoko por esos jardines llenos de colores y naturaleza
    Fe🎉 Li 🎂 Ci🌺 Da 🍾 Des. A los dos 😘 😘 A ti por tu aniversario y a tu nieto por sus 11 años
    Buen mes amiga.

  16. Hi Yoko,
    Nature always enchants us with all its beauty.
    Green and wonderful park, I loved walking around.
    Thanks for sharing these fantastic photos!
    Many CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding anniversary and on your grandson's birthday. Best wishes to you and your family.
    Greetings and all the best


  17. Oi! Adorei ver imagens tão lindas da primavera por aí.
    Este parque é maravilhoso!
    Boas comemorações!

  18. Happy belated anniversary wishes to you and your husband.
    Happy belated birthday wishes to your grandson.

    Lovely post, I did enjoy seeing your photographs and the greenery is so nice to see.

    All the best Jan

  19. すこし肌寒かったころの桜の季節はアッという間に過ぎ、緑美しい季節になりました。

  20. Vim rever estas fotos maravilhosas!
    Bom fim de semana! :)

  21. Bellas imágenes. Feliz aniversario y feliz cumpleaños a tu nieto. Te mando un beso.

  22. Our heartfelt congratulations, Yoko. Y boy must be your husband's favourite grandson. Or he loves all equally?
    Incredible pictures created with your special view possess a soothing quality, you feel restored seeing them. Especially remembering the route you took. Could you specify what the "seasonal word for haiku" means. I read the explanation but failed to understand how "haiku" fits in. Thanks in advance. Have a wonderful June.

    1. This is the answer as far as I know. Since haiku is about nature, it is about changing seasons. In the old haiku, kigo must have been contained as a rule, but in modern times it depends on the school. With the kigo suggestive of a season (or specific season like early spring or mid-summer), people can share the scenery or emotion that is not expressed in details by the poet. The poet can convey his/her feeling by evoking specific images in the readers' mind.
      There are so many beautiful Japanese words as kigo. For example for spring; 朧月oboro-duki/hazy moon、淡雪 awayuki/light snowfall、春暁 shunngyo/spring dawn、東風 kochi/east wind、山笑ふ yama warau/mountain laughs, to name a few.

  23. Um abraço! ╰(*°▽°*)╯


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