
Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sakura season, 2024

Relatively warm winter made people expect the early arrival of Sakura, 
cherry blossoms, but cold March prevented it.
Sakura wouldn't open in the air less than 15 degrees C.
In Nara, their blossoming was about a week later than "recent usual", 
but the same with the "usua in my childhood".

Somei-yoshino, or Yoshino cherry

染井吉野 Somei Yoshino is the most widely planted cultivar across Japan.
The flowers grow in clusters of five or six together.
Their color is pale-pink, light-colored compared to other varieties.
It is spectacular to see the etherela flowers blooming in abundance on each branch
all at once.
It has a distinctive feature to bloom before the leaves emerge.

- 奈良公園 Nara Park -

Only two days later than the official announcement about the first blooming 
of Somei-yoshino, the blossoms were nearing to their best in open sunny places 
due to the highly accelerated warming up.
Sakura and Kobushi (Magnolia kobus) at the 鷺池 Sagi-ike Pond

There seemed to be more overseas tourists than Japanese.

春日野園地 Kasugano-enchi Park

- The garden of 甍 Iraka, New Public Hall -

-海龍王寺 Kairyu-oh-ji Temple -

 -佐保川 Saho River -

Another two days later, Sakura were at their best barely before petals drifting in air.

I loved these blossoms at first sight.
Petals are tinted pink slightly and fringed a little deeper pink.
I wonder what variety this Sakura tree is.

Saho River is one of my favorite walking courses, especially in spring and autumn.
It flows southwest through the center of Nara City.
About 1,000 Somei-yoshino trees line the banks.

I always start from 図書情報館 Tosho Johokan, Nara Prefectural Library
 and Information Center.

Exhibition of kinetic art is held till April 21st.
The word "kinetic" means works relating to motion.
In contrast to static sculptures, movement is incorporated into art.
They are imaginative, lively and interesting works of art of which parts 
are moving and making mechanical sound.

As of today, Sakura season is still in halfway.
The report of Sakura is to be continued.
Stay tuned!


  1. ...thank you for taking me along to see these gorgeous sights. I hope that we can do it again.

  2. It looks beautiful, wonderful outdoors and beautiful spring around. I love flowers and temperatures above 15'C. Japan is a charming country with a great culture. I'm waiting for the sequel and I'm sending you hugs, Yoko!

  3. Gorgeous pictures of Sakura Yoko ! What a beauty !
    Lucky you to be able to go under those beautiful trees !
    Lovely exhibition too !
    Have a shinny week !

  4. What a marvelous video to match your lovely photos, stardust. It was inspiring towards the end to see petals fall like raindrops. But unlike raindrops they can be seen streaming individually along the water like little souls on the way to their next existence. Beautiful. :)

  5. Your posts are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for the gorgeous video. You have an excellent eye for photography :-)

  6. We have always LOVED seeing sakura blooming in Japan. However, the first time she saw cherry blossom petals falling all around us was in Canada and she said she could now "die in peace because she'd always read about hanafubuki in poems and now she'd experienced it."

    1. Oops! Forgot to say that was my mom who mentioned the hanafubuki.

  7. Hello, I love the beautiful Sakura blossoms. One of my favorite trees, the blossom are lovely.
    Great capture of the Sparrow and the deer. The Kinetic art is cool, I enjoyed seeing the sculptures!
    Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  8. I salut your exquisitely beautiful Sakura season images Yoko. We love our cherry blossom too - it lifts the spirits following the winter months. I wonder whether you know this beautiful poem by English poet Alfred Edward Housman:-
    Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
    Is hung with bloom along the bough,
    And stands about the woodland ride
    Wearing white for Eastertide.
    Now, of my threescore years and ten,
    Twenty will not come again,
    And take from seventy springs a score,
    It only leaves me fifty more.
    And since to look at things in bloom
    Fifty springs are little room,
    About the woodlands I will go
    To see the cherry hung with snow.


  9. Gracias Yoko por compartir esta maravilla de la naturaleza. Los cerezos se ven preciosos. También hemos tenido un invierno cálido. Linda la pequeña escultura.
    Te deseo una nuena semana y abril.
    Un abrazo.

  10. There is so much beauty in this post, especially the video when the petals are falling in the breeze. The exhibit of kinetic art also looks fun to see.

  11. This is so beautiful that it brings tears to my eyes. I see so many of the same wildflowers in the little video that are blooming now here in Pennsylvania,USA. Thank you so very much for this sublime posting.

  12. I will try to stay tuned, Yoko. Walked with you, marvelling at blossoms, reflections, images. The 4th picture left me breathless. There's a special word for those umbrellas, isn't there? Then came other photos, each surpassing its neighbour. Thank you, dear Professor of Beauty!

  13. Love, love, love this post, especially the beautiful video.
    Your photos are breathtaking, Yoko.

    Happy Friday!

  14. I stumbled upon your beautiful blog post titled "Sakura Season 2024," and I must say, your descriptions and photos truly capture the enchanting beauty of cherry blossom season.
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