
Monday, October 8, 2018

Blue skies have appeared

At last it’s going to clear up for the week steadily.

On my way back to Nara City.
I visited three Athletic Meetings of my grandchildren one after another in a week.

I like autumn rain which falls gently or sometimes more like drizzle. 
 Early September, it was a welcome relief.
With each rain, it got cooler.

Soon I realized that the extreme weather had been still continuing in a different way.
The persistent autumn rain and three super typhoons (# 22, 24, and 25) 
which came every holiday weekends caused few sunny days.

Lycoris radiata
The maintenance and repairs of my home has been disrupted by the weather.
When I was indoors, the rare blue skies were looked up through the mesh sheets 
attached to the temporary scaffolding. 

Under the dismal sky, the scaffolding set fire on Y’s curious and adventuresome spirit. 

Before each typhoon, the top sheets were taken off
not to be flapped in the storm wind.

In the silence before the typhoon
I was scared by the ferocious howling of the wind during the duration of the passing typhoon.
The young berries of Callicarpa japonica survived.
The colors will deepen soon.

I found some colored leaves of a flowering dogwood.
Flowering doogwood leaves are the first to change colors.

Having a sense of autumn, I have the craving for “Kuri”, or chestnut.
It is an autumn delicacy.

Now that the full exterior painting and roof repairs are mostly completed.
the temporary scaffolding will be taken away in this week. 
I'm ready for exploring into autumn.


  1. You have been through a lot there in Japan. I'm thankful you are safe. I look forward to more beautiful photos from you as you explore autumn.

  2. Japan has suffer a lot. Hope that it's all over now.
    Glad you and your family are safe.
    Have a nice week.

  3. Happy you shared your mosaic Monday photos with us. Have a good week

    much love...

  4. Hello Dear Yoko!
    I hope that there are no typhoons anymore and you and your family are safe.
    It was a terrible time, time of fear, fear.

    Chestnuts are a delicacy of autumn. They do not grow in my country, however, you can buy them in stores.
    Yoko, a lovely photo of Callicarpa japonica.
    Kisses and greetings:)


  5. It is such a pretty sky blue in your top picture and what a relief when wild weather stops. It looks like you were in the midst of doing repairs to your home during these turbulent times with climate in Japan. In my world, I’ve experienced being frightened in the dark with trees swaying all around and storm winds howling, bending and breaking things and making snapping sounds. When we survive, that is when a young heart’s adventurous spirit thrives.

  6. I heard about the typhoon and the strong winds and pelting rains in Japan, and I was hoping that you escaped the worst of the weather in Nara. Young Y is having a great time climbing on the scaffolding. When there was some scaffolding on my previous house, my sons loved to climb up as high as possible. Boys love to do that!
    Do you roast the chestnuts?
    My grandson will be going to an athletic cross-country meet tomorrow, and the temperature will be 26C! It is supposed to be just 10C at this time of year. Crazy weather.

  7. Dear Yoko,
    In a kaleidoscope of colour and pattern Y’s photos stand apart. He does look a young explorer!
    I hope the period of natural disasters that recently hit different regions is over. Now with the repair of your home coming to an end you’ll plunge in autumn time more willingly. Have a nice October!

  8. Very lovely photos indeed! Have nice week.

  9. Hi! Storms are scary! Wonderful pictures. Have a nice week

  10. You really have had terrible storms. I'm glad you and your family are ok. Love seeing the photos, especially the rain drops!

  11. こんにちわ。



  12. Beautiful and varied photos Yoko. The flowers I love. Here the chestnuts will arrive in November. Thanks for sharing
    I wish you a good week.

  13. Dear Yoko - I can imagine just how excited adventurous 'Y' must have been when he saw your scaffolding along with all of the opportunities it held for him to climb and explore.
    Chestnuts are a great favourite here too - we always have a chestnut stuffing with our Christmas dinner, and I make a lovely soup with them too which is like a meal in a bowl - so nourishing and satisfying.
    The weather conditions around the world are weird and frightening, and I for one have fears for our beautiful planet.

  14. Hi Yoko, your chestnut photo is most beautiful! I am glad that you stayed safe during the stormy weather. My granddaughter is now in Japan, she started in Tokyo, and the first photos arrived...
    Have a great autumn season! :-)

  15. Your images are beautiful. So many bad storms in Japan! I hope the storm season will be over soon.

  16. Hello Yoko,
    The typhoons have followed one after another, haven't they? I hope the winds will cease and you will have many days of blue skies. Your little grandson is a most handsome boy; what joy he must bring to you.

  17. Lovely. You may be interested in my posts.

  18. Hope you are all safe! I really love your shots of the flowers with raindrops!

  19. Glad your repairs are soon over! That took awhile. Our roof repair was finished before we left to drive to CA (thank goodness). However, it made so much dust that we had to do a major house clean. Y looks very pleased with himself. Boys love construction (and climbing). The wet flowers are gorgeous. I hope the rest of your fall is sunny and cool.

  20. The pictures with the water droplets are so mesmerizing - nicely done! I can't imagine what it must be like to listen to the winds of a typhoon - I would be very frightened. The chestnuts look quite plump - I am sure they will be delicious.

  21. I always admire your photos and the one of the pink rose in raindrops is very gentle and sweet. I hate having renovations and repairs done to the house, so you must be really glad it's over, though maybe Y is disappointed! I hope your autumn and winter this year is more peaceful, weather-wise, than the rest of the year has been. By the way your photo of Oide Suspension Bridge looks more like a painting than a photograph, somehow. I think it is the subtle colour of the water, not blanked out by bright reflections.

  22. I heard that the sakura are bloomimg. Really? In October?

  23. All the photos are so beautiful but I especially loved the second one, with the pink rose, it's fantastic.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Kind regards
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  24. Hi Yoko,
    Nice images as always.

    1. Long time, no see, Antonio! Thanks for your visit to my blog, which reminded me of your wonderful blog focused on “orchids”. I tried to send a comment but Google+ required me to send with my full name, which I don’t want to. Excuse me for not having left a comment.


  25. こんばんは。薔薇の花の雨に濡れた写真、素敵です。太田裕美のseptember rain を思い出します。ギリシャに行っていました。 そのうちにブログをアップします。

  26. I love chestnuts. How do you eat them over there? I boil in slow cooker with a pinch of salt overnight.

  27. 環状線の車からの撮影、重そうな大きな白い雲が良い感じ。


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