
Sunday, March 16, 2025

At the pond surrounded by Ume Blossoms

A pond surrounded by 梅 Ume trees in the garden of Iraka is one of my favorite places 
at this time of year.

Shooting into the sun is good for a monochrome photo.

The pond is a flowered mirror in the sunlight.

In the breeze, reflected blossoms shift and change patterns like an ever-moving Kaleidoscope.

梅 Ume, or Japanese Apricot, is harbinger of spring in Japan,
a symbol of hope and renewal.
They are also associated with resilience and perseverance as they keep blooming
through the cold of winter to brighten up the wintry landscape little by little.

Winter Camellias are shining on the water surface with the sparkling light.

There is a sense of tranquility emanating from the place.

Linked to Mosaic Monday

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