
Monday, May 28, 2018

Wind fragrant May, 2018

May is going to be over in a couple of days.
May is said 風薫る五月 in Japanese literally meaning "wind fragrant May,"
because of the sweeter, fresher air of it.
May is usually very pleasant; breezy and sunny with occasional rain,
not cold or hot, just right weather.

This May, however, I used either heater or air conditioner some days.
Temperature difference was so big; daytime highs varied from lower 10s to lower 30s Celsius, 
morning lows from single digit to nearly 20s Celsius, like late March or early July respectively.

On the 1st of May, Y turned 5. 
He's an active boy with a gentle, cheerful, and curious heart.
Currently, his most favorite pastime after kindergarten is pedaling around a park 
when weather permits. 

These are the fruits of the June-berry which was planted 
to commemorate his birth five year ago. 

Another event was a ballet recital where F (seven-year-old) 
and another Y (five-year-old) performed.
The right photo is from the last year.
Throughout May, my garden has been colorful; crimson, pink, blue, white, purple, yellow…
The air is all subtle perfume.


Violas and Gymnaderia savatierti

Dahlberg daisies and their reflection on the wet deck

Roses, young and old
Hydrangeas, the floral symbol of Japan's rainy season, have already started blooming much earlier than usual.
Rainy season will set in soon with the parting with May.

Linked to Mosaic Monday


  1. Your garden is looking beautiful and I can only imagine how wonderful the fragrance is. Y & F are so cute, what sweet mosaics you've made to celebrate these special days.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  2. Beautiful flowers and beautiful grandchildren !!!!
    It's always a pleasure to visit your blog !
    Have a lovely week !

  3. Everyday people here in Trinidad and Tobago, where I live, mark the season of the Rains by a Christian Religious Day called Corpus Christi, they do not wait for the Met office to declare it is Rainy Season. Corpus Christi for many with an available bit of back yard is a day for planting also
    Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  4. Budding flora and budding children ... delightful in both cases. I like how Y enjoys the bike! I think I echo other your fans when I say it is always a joy to open your blog and bask in the beauty of your photography! May is almost over, so I'll say may you have a wonderful June with family and friends!

  5. You have such a lovely garden, stardust. Gentle, cheerful, curious … I think this is a recipe for a good life. The world could use more of those qualities. Just recently, I heard Japan is one of the top places in the world to visit and that tourism increased dramatically in 2017. There are so many interesting things to see in your world. As always thanks for sharing it in pictures.

  6. Hi Yoko, I can't believe your rainy season will come again so soon!
    The children are beautiful and growing fast.
    I like Y's bike - boy's and their machines!
    Wishing you a joyful week,

  7. Wonferful post! And blessed summer! Judging by the pictures, you've been enjoying its beauty for quite a while. Thanks for a generous injection of optimism from your litlle ones, happy to see them all. Have a great June, Yoko!

  8. Delightful post Yoko - lovely flowers, especially gorgeous grand-children, and a feeling of contented happiness is conveyed here. I shall be sad to say farewell to May but the months of the year roll on regardless.

  9. こんにちわ。

  10. Your children are adorable! Yes, May is a beautiful month here as weel. Things are fresh and green and blooming.

  11. Hi! Wonderful children! I love those flowers. Poppy is a favorite flower;-) Have a nice day

  12. Such beautiful shares, the lovely children the beautiful flowers and oh those Poppies...I wish I had so many~

  13. A very lovely post. The children are so sweet and I love your flower photos. And the poppies are just amazing.

  14. The children are so precious. Love their happy faces and cute outfits. And you always take the most beautiful close ups of flowers! Enjoy your day sweet lady! Hugs!


  15. こんにちわ。

    " 今 "しか出会えない、愛くるしい笑顔の数々を写真に御納めになってください。


  16. Hello Yoko,
    Your garden flowers are so beautiful. The poppies are stunning with their bright colour. Y and F are sweet children - you must enjoy them very much.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  17. So many lovely flowers! I like the poppies - and the ballerinas.

  18. Hello Yoko,
    I see, you had a fun time with your
    grandchildren during golden week. I love red poppy pictures! I immediatetly thought of all those famous paintings from Monet etc.
    I also admired your post about Himeji. Unfortunately there was no time to visit it at my last stay in Japan. But I enjoyed Kyoto very much instead! I need to go there again on my next trip to Japan, most probably in October.

  19. Oh such pretty flowers. How nice to spend time with your grandchildren. I saw my grandson this weekend as well. I am so in love with him!

  20. What lovely photos! It is lovely to see little Y growing all the time, and seeming so happy. He has a sweet little face. The girls are so accomplished, and must practice very hard at their ballet, I think. I loved your photos. May is the nicest month here, too. Although our countries are on opposite sides of the globe (almost) it's odd how May has been a similar unpredictable month here too, with unexpected highs and lows.

  21. What gorgeous flowers! I sure needed that color boost today as it is gray and wet here in New Zealand.

  22. What adorable children, and beautiful flowers. I am not good with flowers, and have recently put some artificial ones in front of the house for colour.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  23. Now, you have two 5 year old Grands (and Sam is 5, too). Our Sam has not mastered his bike yet. Your flower photos make me think I smell their sweet scents. I planted more poppy seeds in the fall - I'm hoping to see some red/orange ones this summer. I love your photo with masses of them in the greenery.

  24. You are really blessed to have lovely and good looking grandchildren. They have so much good memories with their grandma who is a fantastic blogger & photographer too.

    I love the pretty flowers and berries captured in your photographs. The colours are so vibrant and could make anyone happy by just admiring them all. Thank you so much for sharing.

  25. Love all of what you've shared! I think my favorite is the third photo - that beautiful water and the yellow iris. I can almost feel the freshness of the water.

  26. Such a lovely series of events and photos! I love to see the ballerina :)..and the flowers too. cheers from NYC

  27. As I read your post, I kept saying "oh" to myself with each stunning photo … incredibly beautiful flowers that you have documented with your talented photography. I think my favorite is the one with the yellow flowers (iris?) reflected in the water.

  28. Hello Stardust! So great to see you are still here blogging. :-) I have been away for years from blogger and have missed your lovely posts. Those red poppies are beautiful. It is a real treat to see Japanese gardens in bloom. Such a sweet little boy. He is truly a child of nature.

  29. Precious your May, Yoko. Nature is splendid in colors. The children are growing and they are very handsome. Wonderful pictures!
    Good weekend.

  30. Dear Yoko, I want to thank you for the very nice comments you left on my blog today. That means so much and is greatly appreciated. You seem to know just the right thing to say. And I got another chance to feast my eyes on this blog and all your wonderful photos! I hope that you and your family are doing well and that this summer brings not only warmth but much love and happiness!

  31. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures.
    Nature offers us so much color and beauty.
    Lovely chldren.
    Many greetings
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  32. Your floral photographs are lovely, and I especially like the red poppies. So Y is 5 years old now! He is such a very grown up boy riding his bicycle in the park. And the other children, F and Y, seem to be enjoying them selves on the stage. Beautiful children! Thank you for a brief glimpse of your world.

  33. Such beautiful shots of flowers, but I enjoy the ones of the kids more. Isn't it crazy when they hit those milestones where you pause and wonder how so much time has passed?

  34. おはようございます。ポピーが綺麗ですね。気温の変化が激しくて体調を維持するのが大変ですね。

  35. Wow! These photographies are beautiful cards of presentation of your garden. The images of the children show clearly that they enjoy hotly his physical activities and that his grandmother not less seeing them to practise them. All that sends very good sensations and does that I go away very satisfied at the conclusion of my visit

  36. Flowers and children - now there's a great combination if ever I saw one!

  37. Really a beautiful blog.It is very astonishing and marvelous design.



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