
Friday, March 27, 2015

"Ma Solitude"

Ma Solitude/My Loneliness/私の孤独
by Georges Moustak

English translation: here
Pour avoir si souvent dormi
 Avec ma solitude
 Je m'en suis faite presque une amie
 Une douce habitude

Elle ne me quitte pas d'un pas
 Fidèle comme une ombre
 Elle m'a suivi çà et là
 Aux quatres coins du monde

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
 Avec ma solitude




Quand elle est au creux de mon lit
 Elle prend toute la place
 Et nous passons de longues nuits
 Tous les deux face à face

Je ne sais vraiment pas jusqu'où
 Ira cette complice
 Faudra-t-il que j'y prenne goût
 Ou, que je réagisse ?

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude




Par elle, j'ai autant appris
 Que j'ai versé de larmes
 Si parfois je la répudie
 Jamais elle ne désarme

Et, si je préférais l'amour
 D'une autre courtisane
 Elle sera à mon dernier jour
 Ma dernière compagne

Non, je ne suis jamais seul
 Avec ma solitude




(宇藤カザン訳 )

 Non, je ne suis jamais seul
Avec ma solitude

Georges Moustaki (May 3, 1934 – May 23, 2013) is the Egyptian-born French singer-songwriter of Greek origin. He is famed for his repertoire of simple romantic ballads. “Ma Solitude” was often played on radio call-in-music program when I was a college student. I liked to listen to his calming voice, beautiful melody, and euphony of the French language, which always sounds like music, without knowing its meaning because I didn't understand French. Recently I learned its philosophical touch.

While I sometimes consciously choose to be alone to enjoy my solitude, 
I’m aware of my loneliness as one existence.


  1. Wonderful impressions from nature and spring! There is always calm in solitude, and sometimes it needs to be cherished as well.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. De magnifiques paroles !!!
    Un magnifique post !!!!
    Bon weekend !

  3. In this solitude that you show the pictures, you will not be alone. Nature is all around great. Regards.

  4. Lovely. There is such peace here. Nature perfectly matched by words. And beautifully photographed. x

  5. 心に沁みる詩ですね。 

  6. how lovely. i spend a great deal of time alone (except for my dogs).

  7. Solitude, peacefulness, aloneness, seclusion, silence, is not the same as being lonely. Beautiful song, and beautiful pictures to complement the lyrics.

  8. Wonderful reflections. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. This is a lovely song, one I have not heard before. It's so very "french" not just in the type of music but in the philosophical slant of the words.

    It is such a strange idea, to have a friend that is "loneliness personified." Of course we are all ultimately alone, but I also like to think that we are connected, even though we are indeed such a small part of the universe.

  10. Dear Yoko! Thank you for finding my posts on L & L and for your kind comments. I'm in process of abating my web presence, so am now using the name Fotosopher which I thought was appropriate! Also, we've been so busy with the medical stuff and family that I've not had time to do much photography.

    I do love this post. The poem/song is magnificent and your photos mesh perfectly with the sentiments expressed.

    I've gotten back to poetry of late and hope to be able to put a book out before too long. As you know, I like to do things with a "bite" or a little twist to them.

    Here's a couple:

    Don't Tell Me You'll Call

    Don't tell me you'll call
    I know you won't
    Don't tell me you love me
    I know you don't
    If I want to hear lies
    I'll talk to my senator
    my barber, my
    financial advisor,
    or my priest.


    That First Cup Of Coffee

    I left your bed this morning
    when it was still warm
    darkness meshed with
    the cool morning air
    a pool of gold
    washed over the floor
    the first flash of light
    smashed into the window
    painting a streak in your hair
    I would paint you in oils
    but I know not of art
    when I got to the kitchen
    the stove was cold
    so I made you fresh coffee
    with the warmth of my heart.

    Hope you're doing well!

  11. The tranquility of your photos appeals to me. "Alone time" is precious. I rarely feel loneliness and actually make time for solitude. (Except recently when I am surrounded by visiting grandchildren!) Enjoy your spring, Yoko.

  12. You are not alone in loving the music and lyrical voice of Georges Moustak. He seems to have connected with many hearts yet I have not knowingly heard his name before. Thank you so much for bringing him to my attention. I listened to him sing and was very moved, even though I understood only one word … solitude.

    I like the lone little leaf in the last picture and the wisdom I found in your words: “While I sometimes consciously choose to be alone to enjoy my solitude, I’m aware of my loneliness as one existence.”

    What a paradox is existence … we are both connected and alone. :)

  13. ه° ✿ミ
    Super lindo! Amei a primeira foto!

    Ótimo domingo!
    Boa semana!
    ╰✿✿ه° ✿

  14. In spite of what the lyrics seem to say, I couldn’t help to notice your solitude speaks of light and peace, Yoko, while his solitude of life’s remains and decay… May be the way they were doing song videos back in the seventies? Still, an interesting choice, the décor of this song!
    For me, solitude and loneliness are the two opposites of the same spectre. I believe solitude is a natural state of all beings no matter the social form of living. Through solitude we gradually discover our true self, reaching new levels of consciousness up to the final step – our merging with the Existence itself. Seems like a paradox: the more solitude moments we consciously live the more connected with the other beings we’ll be. Loneliness, on the other hand, speaks of a lack of meaning of one’s existence and the feeling of being lost and abandoned. One makes us stronger, bringing peace and balance inside ourselves, the other makes us feel vulnerable, insecure and sad…
    I like the universality of the rustic wooden bench picture; it’s from Japan but it feels it can be from anywhere else in this world. Just waiting there, ready to receive one’s silence. My best of wishes dear friend and happy days ahead!

  15. 人の心は移ろい易く、また、深遠ですね。

  16. A lovely poetic post!

  17. Hello dear Yoko! Beautiful reflections! Such peaceful Nature around you! In your stunning photos is never missing poetry!
    Have a wonderful Spring!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  18. What beautiful images to go with this song. And a reminder of the importance of solitude.

  19. É Páscoa! Cristo está vivo, o túmulo está vazio, Ele ressuscitou!!! A mais bela festa dos Cristãos.
    Crentes no Amor de Deus Pai que nos deu seu Filho Jesus Cristo que permanece conosco pela força do
    Espírito Santos, seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano,
    harmonioso e de doação.
    Todos somos promotores da Paz!
    Feliz, Santa e Abençoada Páscoa.
    Um doce abraço, Marie.

  20. こんばんは。 日本語が入るのも珍しいですね。孤独、マザーテレサが一番恐ろしい古都の一つに挙げています。 ムスタキの文字を見て、若き頃を思い出してしまいました。 赤坂にシャンソンのバーが有ってよく行きました。 ブンというシャンソンの曲がそのまま店の名前でした。

  21. each image
    and your thoughts

  22. Extraordinary blog with beautiful publications, so I congratulate you and thank you for sharing.

    Warm regards from Gran Canaria - Canary Islands (Spain).

    See you soon ........

  23. 写真と詩がうまく重なって独特の世界を作っているように思えます。。。寂しくて、せつない、、、。 トップの写真とベンチの写真好きです。影の写真も面白い! 素晴らしいセンス‼ 

  24. ロマンチックな写真と、美しい詩ですね。はやとちりで申し訳ありませんでした。少し安心しましたヨ!!特に3番目のお写真素敵ですね。陽が真ん中にほんのり差し込んでいて、椅子がチョコンとおさまってて。Bookの表紙のようです。

  25. You expressed your feelings in a very nice way...


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