
Monday, May 23, 2011

Sun and fun before the rainy season

Though weather turned to the wet and the cold yesterday, the past week was sunny and warm enough or cool enough that I didn't need either heater or air conditioner, just right weather to get sun and fun before the rainy season sets in.  

How would it be if I were one of poppies in the fields?

At Sarusawa-ike Pond, sunbathing turtles are common sight. Nonetheless I often have to stop by as something fun is always happening including reflections. Not only turtles but also ducks, doves, water striders, and people are enjoying to get sun and fun.  (another post: At Sarusawa-ike Pond)

Roses are in season and blooming profusely.

Last but not least, the shades of green everywhere in the mountains, parks, or gardens, are soothing and refreshing.

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  1. Forgot to prepare a post for my world.
    The weeks go by so quickly.
    Looks like your world is definitely rosy :-)

  2. Oooo, my dear friend
    So wonterful photos, spring-photos !!!!
    Is very nice the spring in your country!!
    Many greetings and kisses

  3. Stunning photos! Thank you for sharing!

    I have to go to Japan one day!!


  4. Hi

    Beautiful pictures! The turtles basking in the sunshine are cute!! I wish I were one of them in the pond. I've heard that the Sarusawa Pond was much bigger once. Is it true?

  5. The lush forest with the little bridge is a picture of serenity. Poppies are some of my favorite flowers and your lovely photograph of them makes me want to jump into the brilliant colors. Isn’t it wonderful when life is not too hot or too cold and when all is right … even with the turtles of the world? Thank you for sharing this idyllic moment in time.

  6. Such gorgeous shots. That first one of the poppies is heart-warming and magical!

  7. Beautiful beautiful pictures -- the poppies are especially wonderful.

    I know exactly what you mean about perfect days -- when you don't need heat or air conditioning. We had a while like that here in Florida, but now it is too hot without air.

  8. Lovely photographs - and yes I love the weather that needs neither heaters or air conditioners. One has enough energy to enjoy everything. That's what it is like now - here in Montreal. But our spring flowers are behind yours. Leaves are not quite full on the trees and we are still enjoying tulips and other early spring flowers.

  9. What beautiful poppies !
    What a beautiful roses !
    Very interesting and amusing turtles.
    So nice to see the beauty in your pictures!

  10. What wonderful moments. Thank you very much for sharing. Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens

  11. Grand post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. Marvelous post for the day! I love the ducks and turtles and, of course, the beautiful flowers! Glad you've had some great weather! Hope you have a lovely week!


  13. those roses are absolutely amazing!

  14. Hi, sapphire, thanks for the comment.

    Yes, I think the pond was bigger than the present one in the past. Sarusawa Pond is a man-made pond made in around 749 in the garden of Kofuku-ji Temple, though now it is located outside Kofuku-ji. It is said the temple was so spacious having about 170 buildings at its heyday. At the time of the “Government Ban on Buddhism” in the Meiji Restoration (1868), the temple lost many parts of its precinct, and in the construction of Nara Park, the pond might have been sized down.

    池のサイズについては知らないのですが、そうだと思います。「猿沢池の存在は奈良時代にすでに記録される。『興福寺流記』には、「佐努作波池」あるいは「南花園四坊・在池一堤」とある。平城京左京三条七坊の十六坪を占めた興福寺は、三条大路を挟んで南側の四坪分を花卉畑にした。池は花園の中にあった。」 (奈良歴史漫歩 NO.053 猿沢池の龍神伝説 橋川紀夫)とありますし、興福寺は明治維新以来の廃仏毀釈でずいぶん狭くなり、奈良公園の整備時に小さくなったのではないでしょうか。

    ちなみに、猿沢池には龍が住むという伝説を基にした芥川龍之介の短編小説「竜」のほか、謡曲にも「春日龍神」というのがあるようです。春日奥山には竜王池があります。 伝説の多い池です。

  15. Glad you enjoyed a warm, sunny day outside before the rains came. Wonderful photos--your flower pics are ALWAYS gorgeous. And, that park-garden setting was just beautiful. Mickie :)

  16. Such an abundance of color, creatures, and growth! Obviously, Nara is enjoying a fabulous spring. I'm so glad after all the worry of the past months you can all enjoy these sights.

  17. your photos are fabulous as always. the poppies won't mind the cool weather, and who knows, the roses maybe craving for some rain.:p but i am sure, the green leaves are loving the weather you're having.

  18. Beautiful photos as always.
    Certainly it's warm now.However, it begins to rain in Kanto area since yesterday.I work in my office for almost the day but I want to see sunny day..

  19. Absolutely nice collection of pictures.

    If you have a time please follow my blog,

  20. Turtles at a gathering
    silent conversation about the sun
    a duck swims by!


    These are really beautiful pictures. Thank you!

  21. Excellent photos. I love the beautiful tones. Very nice and delicious flowers.

  22. Your post is stunning. I'm simply speechless! This porcelain roses are so beautiful, and poppies makes me smile.

  23. I especially love your photo of the poppies!

  24. It would be extremely difficult to pick a favorite photo between the beautiful vibrant poppies and the lovely pale creamy roses. All the shades of green in the park are so inviting and I loved the numerous sunbathing turtles at Sarusawa-ike Pond. It's a wonderful world.

  25. The graceful sense wraps your artworks.

    Have a good weekend...
    For your calmness and beauty.

    From Saga, Japan.

  26. Hi,Stardust.
    My comment finally can be sent on your post! How many times I tried it?? My Pc was being in something trouble for a couple of days. Any way I am glad to be join you now!! It is sad my original comment about your new post has already been outdated! The beautiful roses would be damaged by this rain. Have a nice weekend.

  27. so beautiful.....

    and those, breathtaking!!!

  28. The yellow flower in my post is yarrow--easy to grow, spreads quickly, and is very colorful. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  29. This is such a lovely post...your photos are excellent. Those roses are to die for! Hope you are having a great weekend.


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